In most modern construction, drywall is present in just about any structure that has walls. Favored because of its low cost, smooth finish, and quick installation. However it can also be prone to damage whether from a hard impact, excessive moisture, or a number of other unfavorable conditions. Some of the most common places where it fails are near hanging rods, near electricity circuits, near chandeliers, and around generally high-traffic areas. When your drywall becomes damaged, you can either attempt to fix it yourself or you can hire a professional. Both have benefits and drawbacks, but if you need drywall repair our team at re:fab recommends hiring a professional for the following reasons:
Professional Knowledge: A seasoned drywall repair company like our team at re:fab understands the unique needs of their customers and deals with issues and repair requests on an individual level. A professional has also seen all types of damage and has well-tested repair strategies for every requirement. Our team of professional estimators and repairmen can advise you on your specific project and can recommend the right course of action to correct any damage your drywall has experienced.
Professional Expertise: When considering a drywall repair, it is important to consider a provider of drywall-related services that has years of experience behind them. As a residential and commercial painting company with more than 30 years of firsthand experience in the field, our team at re:fab is well-trained to assist you and to give professional service. Hiring a professional with extensive experience is advisable to ensure your project is completed to the highest standards.
Professional Equipment: Many homeowners consider making drywall repairs themselves and then find the cost of quality equipment to be more expensive than they had anticipated. Professional drywall repair companies and a professional painting company will have the proper access to the right equipment to repair both residential and commercial drywall damage, and have the knowledge needed to select the proper materials for the application.
Professional Time Management: When considering repairing a drywall problem yourself, it is also imperative to consider the value of your time. A professional drywall company will often charge per hour, per person in the crew to complete a project. However, it may take a professional crew two days to fix an issue, while it could take you a week. They have the tools and experience to go in and get the job completed quickly and professionally.
At re:fab, we would be more than happy to discuss your drywall project with you at your convenience. If you’d like some more information, please feel free to browse our website and be sure to submit your information for a free estimate. Backed by more than 30 years of expertise, we have the professional knowledge, professional expertise, professional equipment, and professional time management to get the job done and done right! Connect with us today!