Thinking about selling your home? Well, it’s proven: springtime is the best time to do so. This time of year people feel inclined to change up their lives and try something new. Therefore, we have created a springtime selling checklist that will ensure a line out your front door!
It’s proven. Springtime is the best time to sell your home. And, it makes sense. With spring comes fresh air and new beginnings, so people feel inclined to change up their lives and try something new.
According to experts, 2018 is predicted to be the best year to sell a house for a long time. Therefore, if you are thinking about selling your home or have been recently trying to, this is the perfect time of year to prepare properly. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be sure to have a line out your front door. Here is our springtime selling checklist.
Shine On
Make sure everything (inside and out) shines. We are talking about windows, mirrors, glass, metal, stainless steel appliances, and flooring. When a potential buyer walks through your door, they will first be taken by the cleanliness of your home. When the floors and windows glisten, they will be more impressed and trusting of everything around them. Remember polish and shine, polish and shine.
Last Minute Fix
Before you open your house, it is crucial that everything is top-notch. Regardless of your overall budget, there are specific things you can fix that will make an impact. First, you must get rid of any clutter and too many family photos, in and around your home. It sounds harsh, but this helps in the depersonalization process. Even though it’s your home, it’s important to help the buyer see the space as a blank canvas – one they can mentally decorate as they see fit and make their own.
You will then want to find areas that look worn down or broken. Apply fresh paint to scratched trim, repair minor cracks and holes, and make sure the door handles, lights, and appliances work properly. If they really need it, you may want to refinish your floors as well. Sometimes putting in the money and effort will pay off in the sale.
Clean It Up
After decluttering – magazines, remote controls, photos, trash, toys – you will want to freshen up the interior and exterior of your home. Really nice touches that will attract homebuyers can be made quite easily. You can rake the yard, mow your lawn and edge your driveway and sidewalk, if applicable. Clean lines are always eye-catching.
You may also want to hire someone to power wash. Even though it may sound extreme, power washing is a relatively cheap service that really accentuates the work you have already done. Make sure to hit the sides of your house, as well as your driveway, pathways, and steps; This will provide stellar curbside appeal.
Inside, there are other opportunities to tackle. We recommend you attempt to treat your house as a hotel. Even though no one will be checking in, it helps to purchase new towels and throw pillows. Presenting the bathrooms, bedrooms, and kitchen professionally is crucial, for those are the spaces that potential buyers judge most intensely.
Finishing Touch
Ask yourself, “What will people want when they enter my home?” It is your job to provide potential buyers with an easy-going, well-crafted experience. When they step into your home, you want to do everything in your power to provoke a lasting impression.
This can be done by laying out easy-to-read flyers and marketing materials. Make sure they know the numbers – be straightforward – and print in color. And open the windows! The best thing about spring is the fresh smelling air. Buy some freshly cut flowers and display them throughout your home. A fresh fruit bowl display will also add brightness to the house. The combination will leave a wonderful scent. Lastly, don’t skimp on complimentary beverages and snacks. People love free food and cocktails!
By completing this checklist before putting your house on the market, you will have a good chance of competing with other springtime home sellers. Good luck!
We hope that our springtime selling checklist can help! With over 30 years of experience in painting and renovations we’ve learned the perfect method for all kinds of home renovations and painting!