What exactly is Color Blocking? A commonly mentioned theme in the world of fashion, Color Blocking is the use of multiple solid colors in a design. 1
However, re:fab, a commercial painting contractor in Massachusetts, doesn’t really specialize in fashion. They do, however, know a thing or two about color. Color Blocking is not only a strong theme in the world of fashion, but also in the world of home décor and design.
The use of Color Blocking is most prominent in foreign lands, such as in many Latin American countries. The bright and cheerful theme can be seen on the interiors and exteriors of homes and buildings alike!
This dwelling in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico uses the primary colors of red, yellow and blue to create a spectacle so bright that it almost requires sunglasses!
If you’re having trouble deciding on paint colors for your next interior or exterior project, I always strongly push the notion that color inspiration for your space can come from almost anywhere – anything that catches your eye, stands out to you or that may spark an idea. For me, these Latin American homes are no exception!
Have you ever been driving through a residential neighborhood perhaps and been awe-struck by a brightly painted front door? I know it has happened to me on multiple occasions. That solid pop of color against the solid shades on the remainder of the home is a perfect example of Color Blocking!
Color blocking can make such a bold statement in your home or office and can create an atmosphere that is guaranteed to be inviting!
1. Nunez, Kristen. “What Is Colorblocking?” About. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.