In today’s struggling economy there could be no better time to give back to your community if you have the means. Donating money might be the quickest and easiest way to help, but giving back doesn’t always need to involve handing out cash or writing a check. There are other options that can be just as useful to your community and don’t require opening up your pocket book.
1. Donate What You Can’t Use
If your company has excess products or items to spare you can donate them to a worthy cause who could put it to good use.
2. Donate Your Knowledge
Use your experience and know how to educate others. Your knowledge and insight can help your community or needy organization work more productively and effectively. It could be as simple as taking an hour out of your day to speak at an educational facility or a community event. Knowledge is power.
3. Fundraise
Work with other community members to collect money for a special project or charity. Simple fundraisers like raffles or small events can help gather funds to be used elsewhere.
4. Use Your Network
You or your company may not have funds available for community support, but your network of peers and colleagues may be able to help. Use social media platforms to get the word out about your community’s goals and needs. There are people and organizations always looking to help. Simply broadcasting these needs can bring attention to the worthy cause.
Our team at re:fab is focused on supporting our local and regional communities. We have a strong drive to enhance the daily lives of the people around us. Most recently, re:fab and ProGroup Painters by ProGroup Network donated 266 gallons of paint to help restore the Primrose Center, a day center that empowers people with disabilities to discover new opportunities in Orlando, Florida. The donated paint allowed for the Primrose Center’s interior and exterior to be newly painted and revived. The team used its personal business network to help make the paint available. By reaching out to Sherwin Williams and with the company’s support, re:fab was able to provide the paint as a charitable donation.
Other community donations the company has recently supported included donating classroom supplies collected by employees of the company to donate to needy children during the Christmas holiday and supplying children with warm coats and winter hats this past January.